David Bowie and Desire of the Endless

This incredible gif by Helen Green of David Bowie's transformation has been making the rounds on the Twitterverse (and what must be every other social media platform out there). And in the avalanche of tributes (including this lightning bolt constellation by Belgian Astronomers*), I'm left somewhat contemplative about this idea of Transformation. 

Sure, at this point, I'm transforming into a blind version of myself as I type out this post — this gif is sending screaming afterimage after afterimage down the quivering canal of my optic nerve. If only there was a function to arrest the circularity of Bowie's swing from left to right... much like the politics of idealistic greenhorns climbing into the corporate world, and then finding themselves dislocated into new ideologies... or old ideologies of power, wealth, and legacy.

This transformation is... Desire. I see it - Green's gif above is like Neil Gaiman's character Desire (from the Sandman series) - so sumptuous that the transformation is like a gargle in mid-mouth, aching to be released... and while something leave you feeling rather used at the end of the day, I reckon this one will leave you freshened.

Goodnight, Star Dust.

* the constellation is perched in the space corridor near Mars  a tiny part of the 'Stardust for Bowie' tribute project on Google Sky.

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